Indicamos aqui as últimas oportunidades para estudar na YNU, ou estabelecer pesquisas conjuntas com ela.
Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support (GDACS)
We are pleased to inform you that Yokohama National University is recruiting those who want to enter its graduate schools as doctoral students in October 2022 or April 2023 under the Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support (GDACS)(Second Round Application), which is a doctoral program for faculty members of universities in the emerging nations.
Under this program, the applicants do not need to travel to Japan for screening, the application fee is free, and admission and tuition fees are exempted. In addition, successful applicants will be awarded a monthly scholarship of 100,000 yen (estimated) up to the standard period of study.
We would like to request your kind cooperation in announcing this opportunity to your faculty members, please.
The application guidelines and other documents can be downloaded from the website below.
English: https://global.ynu.ac.jp/en/admissions/gdacs/
Japanese: https://global.ynu.ac.jp/admissions/gdacs/
Note: The Application period is from Monday, 9 May 2022 to Sunday, 15 May 2022.
Also, we believe that the website “Why Study at YNU?” below will provide you with the advantages of choosing our university:

Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support (GDACS)
We are pleased to inform you that Yokohama National University is recruiting those who want to enter its graduate schools as doctoral students in October 2022 or April 2023 under the Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support (GDACS), which is a doctoral program for faculty members of universities in the emerging nations.
Under this program, the applicants do not need to travel to Japan for screening, the application fee is free, and admission and tuition fees are exempted. In addition, successful applicants will be awarded a monthly scholarship of 100,000 yen (estimated) up to the standard period of study.
We would like to request your kind cooperation in announcing this opportunity to your faculty members, please.
The application guidelines and other documents can be downloaded from the website below.
English: https://www.ynu.ac.jp/english/admissions/scholarship/gdacs/
Japanese: https://www.ynu.ac.jp/international/accept/academic.html
Note: The Application deadline is Sunday, 13 March 2022.
Also, we believe that the website “Why Study at YNU?” below will provide you with the advantages of choosing our university:

Mestrado e doutorado a partir de outubro de 2022.
Temos oportunidades para bolsas para estudar na YNU nos níveis de mestrado e de doutorado a partir de outubro de 2022.
As áreas são:
-Mechanical Engineering,
-Materials Science and Engineering,
-Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, and
-Aerospace Engineering.
Os procedimentos para a inscrição para a entrada no programa de pós na YNU nas áreas descritas acima estão detalhadas no site:
Um dos requisitos para a inscrição é entrar em contato com o potencial orientador. Uma lista de consulta está no link abaixo:
O deadline para as inscrições é dia 28 de janeiro de 2022.